Monday, August 23, 2010

PhD comprehensive exam-Part 1; DONE

Last Friday, I took my written comprehensive exam. It was a LONG exam, and I am really glad it is over with. My morning questions took 4 hours to complete, then I had a 1 hour lunch break, and then my afternoon questions took 4.5 hours to complete. So 8.5 hours and 24 typed pages later (1.5 spacing), my brain was definitely mush. But it was so nice to have the weekend to recover, as I did not do any studying. Now, it's back to the grind, as classes start tomorrow, and I will receive my grant topic to complete for Part 2 of my comprehensive exam. Even with all the craziness and business of school, it is really nice to feel like I am progressing forward in my PhD program.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Crunch time

My PhD comps are getting close; less than 2 weeks away. I think I need a Faraday cage-like object to put over my head so that the brain waves that carry my exercise physiology knowledge don't escape.