Thursday, August 2, 2012

The accidental pottymounth: When rhyming goes awry

Ally is big into rhyming words these days.  She is also big into making up her own songs.  Sounds innocent enough.  Well, consider the following scenario:

We were recently in Kentucky for a visit with Ben's family.  Ben's dad took all the grandkids in the truck one evening to ride up the road to get the mail.  One of Ally's favorite TV shows is a show on PBS called Caillou, and there is a song that starts out, "We're driving in a car, car, car.  We're going very far, far, far, " or something like it.  So Ally decides to adapt the song to the current vehicle she was in, and here's what came out:

"We're driving in a truck, truck, truck.  We're going very f**k, f**k, f**k."

I am not joking.

Now, let me be clear.  I don't cuss in front of my kids.  So Ally has never heard me or anyone else use that particular 4-letter word.  I think this was just an instance where her creativity accidentally led her to stumble upon a particularly bad cuss word.  I didn't hear her directly, but when Ben told me about it (out of Ally's earshot), I will admit, I couldn't help but laugh pretty hard (although small part of me felt a little horrified too).  Luckily she has abandoned that particular song version, but if it comes up again, we may need to have a conversation.

1 comment:

VA said...

That is awesome!!! Way to go, Ally! :)