Sunday, November 15, 2009

Holiday gifts

Okay, with the holidays coming at us sooner than we think, I guess it is time to start our holiday shopping. Over the last couple years, Ben and I have made some of the gifts we've given rather than buying them from a store (examples: slate tile coasters, home-made banana bread, and Ben's single balancing wine bottle holder). This year, we'll probably do the same.

Now, for those of you who are reading our blog are trying to figure out what to get us for Christmas, here are some ideas.

1. A new house (just kidding, but seriously if you have a few hundred thousand dollars sitting around that you're looking to invest, there is some nice stuff for sale here in Chapel Hill).

2. Gift cards. Favorite places include Whole Foods, Target, Babies R Us, clothing stores like Old Navy and Kohls, and various restaurants.

3. Nothing. Honestly, we are a blessed little family surrounded by a great college town, great friends, good jobs, financial security, and a perfect baby girl (I can say that right now because she is sound asleep upstairs). Those are the best gifts.

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