Monday, March 15, 2010

Favorite things

On another blog I read (the Mouro Family), Laura the mom asked her 5 oldest kids to name their 10 favorite things. It was fun to read them, and I started thinking about 10 of my favorite things. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Frozen yogurt
2. Any hot drink (tea, coffee, hot chocolate, etc.)
3. Diet coke
4. Cozy things (pajamas, blankets, socks)
5. Running
6. Big furry dogs
7. Semester break
8. Hanging out with friends
9. Ben
10. Ally

Okay, okay, I have more than 10 favorites!!! I can't help it! So here are my bonus favorites:

1. Playing music (ringing handbells, playing oboe, and singing), especially if I'm part of an ensemble
2. Seeing family over the holidays
3. Advent/Christmas
4. Scented candles

What are some of your favorite things? Leave me a comment!

1 comment:

Michelle Casad said...

Hmm, with only your favorites to start the wheels churning, some of my faves are:

ice cream
huge family dinners (under 12 people doesn't count)
acoustic classical guitar
cat snuggles (this is a surprise since I was allergic to them until about 4 years ago)
reading books in bed with Andy and Miriam
