Thursday, September 30, 2010

Science terms that don't sound so scientific

It is pretty apparent that every profession has its own set of jargon; science and medicine being no different. And I will admit, I do occasionally have fun throwing around phrases like VO2max, gluconeogenesis, lymphocytopenia, and respiratory exchange ratio. But I have noticed that there are some scientific phrases that, well, don't really sound all that scientific. These below all happen to come from astronomy:

Big Bang
Theory of Everything
Dark Matter
Black Hole
Red Giant
Brown Dwarf

In the astronomers' defense though, at least they are using terms that actually directly tell you what they are talking about. Maybe this is because astronomers are more "down to earth?" (rimshot)

I know, I know, bad pun! But I couldn't resist!

I'll bet my other scientist friends out there can think of some science terms that don't sound so science-ish (if so, leave me a comment!). A good follow-up post might be "Science terms that would make good band names."

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