Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I don't understand

1.  Skinny jeans
2.  Wearing a strapless shirt or dress to class
3.  Super-short shorts, dresses, and skirts
4.  Wearing clothing that is 2 sizes too big or 2 sizes too small
5.  Wearing clothing that does not flatter your figure
6.  Women's clothing that looks like maternity clothing but really isn't
7.  Any article of clothing that costs more than $50
8.  Bright red lipstick
9.  Covering the majority of the body in tatoos
10. Body piercings in places other than the ears and nose
11.Grunting while lifting weights
12. Not making sure the toilet is completely flushed when using a public restroom
13  1/2 % milk
14.  Not following directions
15. Oversleeping for a 10:00 am class, especially on the day of an exam
16. How they cram so many fat and calories into fast food

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