Sunday, February 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Pittsboro Bach Society!

Today we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Pittsboro Bach Society with a wonderful concert at the home of Tom and Lynn Egan in Chapel Hill. The ensemble is the creation of Ted Ehrhard, a violinist, piano technician, and fellow St. Thomas More parishoner. The mission of the Pittsboro Bach Society is to participate in the joy of social music-making through a series of bimonthly chamber and orchestral music concerts.

Today's music menu featured W.A. Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca, J.S. Bach's Clavier Concerto in f minor, and G.F. Handel's Concerto Grosso in F major (Op. 6, No. 9). We were a decent-sized ensemble today; 6 violins, 3 violas, 2 cellos, 1 bass, and piano. I played 2nd violin. I think my favorite piece was the Handel; you just can't help feeling happy when you play a piece by Handel.

For more information about the Pittsboro Bach Society, please visit their link that I have posted on the right side of my blog. Hopefully there will be some pictures posted soon.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tough week

This week has been quite a doozie. Ben and I are flying to New Orleans tomorrow for my cousin's wedding, and we won't get back until Monday. In the meantime, I have been scrambling to get as much work done as I can before leaving. In the process, I have probably averaged about 4-5 hours of sleep per night. Between Monday and today, I have written 2 article critiques, completed a research methods homework assignment, written and posted a quiz for the physiology class that I TA, and graded upwards of 100 dietary assessments that my students turned in yesterday and today. When I get back on Monday, I will have more article critiques and a lab report to write, both due on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am taking some of my work with me in the hopes that I can get some done on the plane or after everyone else has gone to bed. Oh yeah, I also have to prepare next week's lesson plans for my PE classes that I teach. And our plane leaves at 6:20 am tomorrow morning and I still have to pack! Eek! I fear that I won't be getting a good night's sleep until sometime late next week. . .

Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday. Happy birthday Mom! We love you!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Laboratory excitement

This week, we 1st years finished our 2nd lab experiment in our Assessment of Physiological Function class. In a prior post, I referred to this class as that "monster 3-credit hour lab class" and I had expressed some apprehension about it, mostly because I had gotten the impression that it was one of those classes that was going to consume all my time and kick my butt in the process. Well, I will say that we have been spending a lot of time in the lab, but it's been okay so far, and I'm actuallly enjoying myself. We get to work with a lot of blood samples and run things like hematocrit, hemaglobin, glucose, lactate, and other various blood parameters that you might have measured when you go to the doctor's office.

This particular lab experiment has been an interesting experience because the 6 of us in the class have been finding new and innovative ways to cause equipment malfunction and screw up data. Last Tuesday, it was my turn to do so, as I discovered a new way to freeze the computer program that analyzes expired gases (when someone is exercising on the bike or treadmill, we have them breathe into a mouthpiece that collects their expired air). In any case, learning how to fix our problems now will hopefully make us better at trouble-shooting, which may come in handy for the ominous oral final (more on that later).

Thursday, February 8, 2007

A house divided

Wednesday was the UNC vs. Duke basketball game, held at Duke. UNC isn't usually favored to win the games they play at Duke, but tonight they won! We watched the game at our house, and we invited Michelle & Andy, Linus the Beagle, and Michelle's labmate Natasha. It was a house divided, as Michelle and Natasha cheered for Duke and Ben and I cheered for UNC. Andy generally stayed neutral, although I think he was starting to lean towards Duke, NOOOOO!!! Linus wore both a Duke blue collar and a UNC collar, but I think his alliance was towards anyone who dropped crumbs on the floor. I have posted some pics below depicting the shift of moods from the beginning of the game to the end.

In other news, Michelle found out that she passed her prelim exams; GO MICHELLE!!!

Michelle and Natasha wearing their Duke garb and Ben and me in our UNC garb. Michelle and Natasha sure do seem confident that their Blue Devils are going to win. . .

Michelle, Natasha, and Linus, lamenting the Blue Devils' loss.

Ben and me, celebrating the Tarheels' win.

Michelle and Natasha mourning, while Ben and I watch.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Are you a Bible Scholar too?

You know the Bible 85%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Favorite Links

I would like to draw your attention to the one quasi-interactive portion of my blog, which is my "favorite links" section on the right. "Stay Moving" is a blog belonging to Karla, one of my classmates, where she talks a lot about healthy choices involving food and exercise. The next two are personal websites belonging to my friends. Laura is an Olympic diver, and Andy and Michelle are friends from St. Thomas More. I have talked about them several times in my blog. The two after that are the websites for the two churches we go to: St. Thomas More and Chapel Hill Bible Church. The next one is for the Pittsboro Bach Society, a bi-monthly chamber music group I have been a part of for about a year. The last few websites are sports-related. Runners World is an awesome AWESOME website about everything running-related; from training plans to nutrition info, to area race-finders. Although I am not a gymnast, diver, or Olympic team member, I am a big fan of diving and gymnastics, and the Olympics, and I enjoy keeping up with those sports and athletes. Feel free to check them out, as they may become some of your favorites too. Happy surfing!