Friday, January 9, 2009

Healthy skin-is is only a women's issue?

I will readily admit that I do not avidly follow today's latest fashions and such. But occasionally if I see something interesting online or on the Today show, I'll take a look. Anyway, I was recently reading an article about proper facial skin health and care, and I was thinking about how pretty much all of these articles are geared towards women. I guess it's because we are always trying to find ways to keep ourselves looking 10 years younger and such. But seriously, why does it always have to be just about women's skin? Shouldn't it be okay for guys to want to care for their skin too? I'm guessing that most guys would rather not get acne or skin cancer either, and I'll be honest, the whole leathery sun-weathered look is really not all that attractive. So if a guy wants to use moisturizing face wash and sunscreen, he should do so proudly without judgement. However, don't get a facial-they're not really all that worth it.

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